Wayne’s Story

My early memories are of a loving caring mum and a drunken abusive dad. I’ve spent most of my time outside getting into whichever trouble was popular at the time. I started smoking drinking and glue sniffing at around the age of ten. As I grew older I tried out more and more different types of drugs. Eventually I became addicted to heroin at the age of seventeen. I lost friends and family because of drugs. I never really understood why I felt empty and alone even when I was part of a group.

Things finally came to a head when I landed myself in prison. I had sold some drugs to my cousin, she took them and she died. I was so full of guilt and pain I even found myself thinking about suicide. Then I started questioning things and eventually started meeting up with a Christian who visited the prison. He told me of a God who loved me, who had died for me and who could fill the void in my heart and my life.

I did make a decision to trust Jesus and a weight was lifted.

Life didn’t change much though I made some bad choices and decisions and even turned my back on God. I ended up back in prison. It was whilst I  was there that I began to read and study my bible. I decided to open up and talk about my issues. The prison chaplaincy was a real help. They later found me a place with a  charity called Renewal North West, who provided me with a home, a job, some wonderful role models and spiritual guidance. I had always found it easier to live as a Christian inside prison. My issues started when I got back into the world. I learnt some real life lessons there. I gained some real friends, a work ethic and a hunger for righteousness. My biggest lesson as a new Christian was walking away from my past. It’s very important to find good Christian friends and mentors and don’t be afraid to talk.

Today I live in Kent and I’m married to Carmen who is perfect for me. She’s a bright and godly lady. I am active in our local church, I teach Sunday school and occasionally lead our mid week bible study.

I now work full time which for me is a massive thing. My mum often jokes saying “his last real job was a paper round”.

God is faithful and I know that I can trust Him with my future.

Jeremiah 29:11
“ I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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