How becoming a Hope Giver can help us with our work

Sometimes all it takes is for someone to give some HOPE to someone who needs it.

As a registered charity, our day to day work is not-for-profit to support those experiencing long-term unemployment, homelessness, addiction and offending to rebuild and transform their lives. All donations received are invested back into our work to deliver our mission to transform lives – through this we are able to support individuals, often with multiple and complex needs, with work experience, training, skills development, employment, accommodation and furthermore, bring hope through Jesus Christ to those that welcome it.

We would like to invite you to become a Hope Giver to financially support this crucial work through regular giving and help us to continue to make a difference in more lives.

By supporting our work with a regular, monthly donation, as much or as little as you like, we can continue our efforts to prevent re-offending and transform lives.

Proposed giving image
“At Renewal North West we are always filled with joy when we see lives being transformed and bringing glory to God…….I am so proud of what our team are achieving and the impact that Renewal North West is making. Unemployed people have work, young people are learning new skills, lonely people have a caring community to come to.”

Wesley Downs, Founder & CEO

Please support this campaign and help us to make a difference to someone’s life.

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