Craig’s Story

Craig came to Renewal North West Residential Programme from prison having become a Christian in prison and wanted help to get a fresh start away from his old life of drug addiction and offending. Renewal was able to attend the parole board hearings to explain the programme that we run, and agreement was gained for Craig to join the programme. He was provided accommodation in a supported environment and worked as a PAT tester checking electrical equipment at the charity. He attended a course and gained a certificate for this work. He was a popular chef often making meals for volunteers at the charity. Today Craig has his own accommodation and is training as a drug worker and gaining new skills and qualifications whilst mentoring people who need help. Craig attends church regularly and is helping others in need. His outlook for the future is bright with a transformed life due to the faith he has in Jesus Christ. Renewal North West has been able to give Craig that fresh start and opportunity for change for which he is very grateful.

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