Wesley’s Story

I am Wesley and I have been working at Renewal since March 2023

For me to able to explain what this has meant for me I need to you a bit about my past: from my early teens, I hung around with a bad crowd, got into drugs and drank too much. My life went like that for 20 years. My addictions got worse and it all became unmanageable. Slowly I lost everything: both my girls and family, and my business. I came very close to jail on several occasions due to my poor lifestyle choices and bad company. By this point, I was very unwell, lonely, lost, suffering from psychosis, desperate and confused.

My grandad sent me an email with his daily Bible reading which was Psalm 32:3-5. Reading this got me thinking and I started reflecting on my past, which then made me realise that I was a sinner. A few days later, I went back to the Psalm and started investigating the Bible, and I stumbled across Numbers 16:32-33; the fear of God fell on me and I became a Christian in that moment. I started listening to Podcasts like “Bible books in thirty minutes” by Mike Bowmont and that revealed God’s character to me.

Now I was a Christian I could do what my mum and dad had wanted for years which was to go to a Christian rehab, which was what I really needed. I went twice to two different places but neither lasted long – less than 48 hours in fact. But God knew what he was doing because he led me to Renewal.
When I went to the job interview at Renewal, it was the first time I had ever been open and honest and told the truth about my life in a job interview. And, as it turned out, this was probably the best thing I could have done – given why Renewal exists – I was an ideal candidate to work at Renewal. I ended up getting the job and when I started, I discovered the first 30 minutes of work is actually a devotional time, where we get well set for the day. This has helped me get closer to God.
I also joined the Be Transformed addiction group which is just a feast. It has helped me to overcome my addictions and sustain a sober lifestyle. It helps me to understand the way my actions have hurt people. It has taught me how to forgive and change. It has made me aware of who I was and who I am now in Christ.
Although we work hard it doesn’t feel like coming to work because it is such a positive environment to be in. There is no gossip, and if you have problems there are so many people who are willing to listen and offer advice. Without a doubt, it is the best, most healthy work environment I have ever worked in.
Had I have not come to Renewal I can’t be sure that I would be where I am now both in my walk with Jesus and as a son and father and family man. For all this, I have to say thank you.

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